Tuesday, August 4, 2009

As an advocate of Smart Tanning in moderation and sunburn prevention, it was great to read that a $20 million US government study has been sponsored to examine natural Vitamin D doses and cancer reduction.
Currently 75% os US adults and children are Vitamin D deficient. Higher levels of Vitamin D have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, help prevent certain cancers, help with weight loss, help increase bone density, reduce depression.........to name just a handful of benefits of this amazing 'Sunshine Vitamin'
Why is it called the Sunshine Vitamin ? When sunlight (UVB) contacts the skin it produces Vitamin D3, through a series of reactions this is converted to Vitamin D. Sun exposure is the most efficicent way of producing Vitamin D in the body.
So it makes you think ! Why is the USA experiencing a Vitamin D deficiency epidemic. Could it be because the $35 billion cosmetic industry is 'sun scaring' people inside and undercover and out of the sun ? Promoting sun 'avoidance' as opposed the 'moderate' sun exposure.
Just 15 minutes, 3 times a week in the sun, can stimulate the skin to produce healthy Vitamin D levels.
We need sunlight for every day functions, we weren't made to live in caves or uderground WE NEED sunlight. The key word to remember here is moderation. As a tanning salon owner we promote Smart Tanning, and that is 'Never Burn'.
Happy Tanning :-)

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